
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Beginnings of All Things are Small...~Cicero

So today I have finally launched my very first blog. I intend for this blog to be focused on the happenings of the series of novels I am working on titled, Crowns of the Vanquished. Pieces of this story have lived with me since I was nine years old. When I was a 10th grader I wrote the first of it down for an English class assignment. It was over 45 single spaced pages long, and earned me a "D" for not following instructions! Haha. The assignment was to write a short story, but there was so much demanding to be told that I couldn't possibly have fit it into 10 or fewer pages. To make up for the poor grade on the assignment, the teacher then spent the next week teaching class about my story, and gave a test over the same. Obviously, being somewhat of an expert on the subject matter, I made a 100 on that assignment, and on all the accompanying daily grades. He was enthralled with my concept, and amazed by my writing. Now granted, I am far removed from 10th grade, but I decided then that the 45 page "short story" would one day be told the way I had always planned. Thus the series, Crowns of the Vanquished, was born. I am well into the first novel, currently over 90,000 words and honestly think that to tell the story right will take 5-7 full length novels. I am excited to begin this journey and really hope that you will come along with me.

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